Wednesday, December 26, 2007

the wrecking ball

and hey, oh, the wrecking ball
looks at you from across the wall
and saunters in with a sloop and swallow
and ends with a horizontal edge
and there you lay amongst the sticks
but Earth, she wants to know you tricks
but once you've woke from that buzzed out blitz
and now you are her kin

i am in love with the song "Wrecking Ball" by Pepi Ginsberg. and "Pieces of String" by Alela Diane. and all of Marissa Nadler's songs. she's especially amazing.

Friday, December 21, 2007

so let me be cute and nerdy for a moment...

boy called me! well, he called me last night when i was sleeping so i didn't get to talk to him until today. blah. but he was out with family and so i suggested that he call me back later when he wasn't so busy and also because i didn't want to interfere with family time. what a nice person i am!

which brings me to the next point... me being nice. i guess, in the long run, that i am just to much of a nice person underneath. i'm willing to give people multiple chances, i bite my tongue and keep from saying exactly what i think in certain situations, and i'm nice to people's faces. thanks mom and dad for giving me such a kind heart. sometimes i just wish i could turn to people and say "____ you always cry about boys being mean to you. well, if you'd stop spreading your legs for them and fucking every boy who looks sideways at you, then maybe you might find a nice one. don't be such a slut." or "____ i don't care about how wonderful your boyfriend is sometimes. he told you that he loves another girl but stays with you. right. cause that is someone you need to be with." or just to tell people to stop being two-faced or when i say hello to people that they need to answer and at least acknowledge that i spoke. i swear, when i go back if i say hello to ______ and she doesn't say anything, i'm calling her out on it. i'm just gonna say "Hey _____. i said hello. you could at least act like you heard me, ok?"
whatever, i know i should just let it go but we aren't little kids in high/middle school anymore and the sooner those girls realize it, the sooner they can grow the hell up. that would be nice. really nice.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

not sure really

ok, i haven't abandoned my sorority life blog, but i just need a break from talking about that kind of stuff all the time. a lot of it will probably spill over into this blog, but i'd like for it to stand separate from that one.
so i met someone on the way home, met him on the airplane actually. at first i thought he was a creeper and i just wanted him to shut up. usually people who talk on airplanes to complete strangers are the weirdos and whatnot. but he was really sweet so i put my book down and spoke to him. when we arrived in ___________ we both went to the baggage claim and, lo and behold, there was my family, complete with reindeer noses! it was actually pretty funny and i've long since gotten over the embarrassment from them. but he thought it was pretty cute and shook hands with everyone and met them. and he still wanted my number! he called me the other day and wants us to get together soon and go off and do something and i said yes. i mean, its not everyday that you meet a nice good-looking guy who meets your crazy family and still would like to take you out on a date. hmmmm.... i should probably call him tomorrow and finalize plans.
my family has already started to drive me crazy. big surprise there. i might have a heart attack and die from that surprise. but my cousin angie (or angela as she likes to be called now) recently told my mother how jealous of me she was because of the life i have. now, i was flattered, but... she's about 3 years older than me and already has a child. plus she got her degree from a community college. every single thing my family did for her, she's basically thrown back into everyone's faces and frankly my dear, i don't give a damn. (thanks Rhett Butler). but she keeps calling my mother to talk, and while i understand that my mom has family here, my mother has spent more time talking to her than she has to me! how in the hell is that fair? so when mom told me about all of this, i basically told her that i didn't give a fuck and why was she telling me this? my dad says i need to pick my battles, but i didn't realize that i'd have to fight with a cousin who hasn't spoken to my mom in about 8 years for her attention. fucked up bull shite.
did good with grades this semester. and to reward myself i'm gonna get myself something pretty. i'm not sure what yet, make up or jewelry, just not sure what exactly yet.
oh oh oh what a day what a day. i'm sleeping a lot. nearly 12 to 14 hours a day. which is crazy but i can't seem to help it. i'm not depressed, i know that much, so i'm not exactly sure whats wrong right now. oh well